Tackling the Housing Crisis
Wednesday, November 9, 2022 (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM) (EST)
Demand for affordable and workforce housing far outpaces supply in Massachusetts, with the greater Boston area recently ranked #14 for housing underproduction in the nation. At the same time, with surging construction prices, supply chain shortages, rising interest rates, new regulatory requirements, and cumbersome permitting processes, it has never been more difficult to build housing.
Join NAIOP to hear from an expert panel who will discuss:
- The data behind the headlines – how much housing is needed?
- Best practices for communities to adopt to streamline permitting and support growth
- Recommendations on how the public and private sectors can work together, including examples from leading affordable housing developers
- Innovative tools and solutions to encourage housing production
This is sure to be an informative and lively discussion. Sign up today!
If you are a gavel member, please contact Debbie Osheroff (osheroff@naiopma.org) for a comped ticket!
Clark Ziegler, Executive Director, Massachusetts Housing Partnership
Gina Martinez, Senior Development Director, Beacon Communities
Kenan Bigby, Managing Director, Trinity Financial
Tim Reardon, Data Services Director, MAPC
If you are a gavel member - please contact Debbie Osheroff (osheroff@naiopma.org) for a comped ticket.