An Act Relative to Strengthening Massachusetts’ Economic Leadership (the Mass Leads Act) is a multibillion-dollar investment in the future of Massachusetts. The legislation, signed into law on November 20, is focused on job creation, supporting business growth, expanding workforce development programs and supporting regional economic development initiatives. It contains several critical provisions for the commercial real estate development industry, including a two-year Permit Extension Act; the establishment of a State Permit Regulatory Office, State Permit Ombudsman and Regulatory Ombudsman; and critical protections for special permit and site plan approvals.
Join NAIOP to learn more about the Mass Leads Act and other critical economic development initiatives. Attendees will hear from Secretary of Economic Development Yvonne Hao, and Senate Chairman of the Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies Barry Finegold as they discuss the transformative investments and policies in the Mass Leads Act and overview additional strategies to secure our economic future.
NOTE: For a refund to be issued, cancellations must be received by 5:00pm on Friday, January 10th. For questions, please contact Linda Chateauneuf -